Gold standard - Learning tool
An application for the Image Quizzer is to use it as a educational tool. You can have a user contour a lesion on one page and on the following page, display the user's contour along with a pre-defined gold standard.
In the script example below, in order to display both the user's contour and the gold standard together, the gold standard is loaded in as an Image Type = "Segmentation" on the Segmentation layer. The user's contour is redisplayed on the Label layer.
Download and save Slicer's RECIST dataset as described in the sample data suggested tree structure section.
Suggested folder structure to match script:
└─ ImageDatabase/
└─ ImageVolumes/
└─ RECIST-Tutorial-Data/
├─ 1007-spgr.nrrd
└─ 1007-spgr.label.nrrd
Script example
<Page ID="Patient 1" Descriptor="Contouring Challenge" EnableSegmentEditor="Y" SegmentRequiredOnAnyImage="Y">
<Image Type="Volume" ID="MR" RotateToAcquisition="Y" LabelMapID="MR_Contour" InitialSliceOffset="25">
<Image Type="Volume" ID="MR" RotateToAcquisition="Y" InitialSliceOffset="0.468">
<Image Type="Volume" ID="MR" RotateToAcquisition="Y" InitialSliceOffset="35.15">
<QuestionSet ID="Contouring Challenge" Descriptor="">
<Question Type="InfoBox" Descriptor="Segmentation Instructions">
<Option>Contour the tumor using the segment editor.</Option>
<Page ID="Patient 1" Descriptor="Contouring Challenge" EnableSegmentEditor="Y">
<Image Type="Volume" ID="MR" RotateToAcquisition="Y" DisplayLabelMapID="MR_Contour">
<Image Type="Volume" ID="MR" RotateToAcquisition="Y" DisplayLabelMapID="MR_Contour">
<Image Type="Volume" ID="MR" RotateToAcquisition="Y" DisplayLabelMapID="MR_Contour">
<Image Type="Segmentation" ID="Gold" RotateToAcquisition="Y">
<ROIs ROIVisibilityCode='All'></ROIs>
<Image Type="Segmentation" ID="Gold" RotateToAcquisition="Y">
<ROIs ROIVisibilityCode='All'></ROIs>
<Image Type="Segmentation" ID="Gold" RotateToAcquisition="Y">
<ROIs ROIVisibilityCode='All'></ROIs>
<QuestionSet ID="Gold Standard Display" Descriptor="">
<Question Type="InfoBox" Descriptor="Compare to gold standard">
<Option>The gold standard is presented over the user's contour.</Option>
Screen shot