Zoom, Pan and Slice Offset
This example shows how to use the Image attributes ZoomFactor, PanOrigin and InitialSliceOffset to refocus the display of the image when it is loaded.
For the following example, we will use the CT-MR Brain sample dataset that is available when you open Slicer.
Download and save the dataset as described in the sample data section to a subfolder under ImageVolumes folder as shown.
└─ ImageQuizzerData/
└─ ImageVolumes/
└─ CT-MR Brain/
├─ CTBrain.nrrd
├─ MRBrainT1.nrrd
└─ MRBrainT2.nrrd
Script example
This script uses the image attributes ZoomFactor, PanOrigin and InitialSliceOffset.
There are two pages. The first shows the images loaded without any adjustments and the second page sets the zoom / pan / and slice offset. The MR-T2W images are set in the foreground to show how the foreground images follow the repositioning information for the background images.
<Page ID="Patient 1" Descriptor="Default load">
<Image ID="CT" Type="Volume" >
<Path>ImageVolumes\CT-MR Brain\CTBrain.nrrd</Path>
<Image ID="CT" Type="Volume">
<Path>ImageVolumes\CT-MR Brain\CTBrain.nrrd</Path>
<Image ID="CT" Type="Volume">
<Path>ImageVolumes\CT-MR Brain\CTBrain.nrrd</Path>
<Image ID="T2" Type="Volume" >
<Path>ImageVolumes\CT-MR Brain\MRBrainT2.nrrd</Path>
<Image ID="T2" Type="Volume">
<Path>ImageVolumes\CT-MR Brain\MRBrainT2.nrrd</Path>
<Image ID="T2" Type="Volume">
<Path>ImageVolumes\CT-MR Brain\MRBrainT2.nrrd</Path>
<Page ID="Patient 1" Descriptor="Focused View">
<Image ID="CT" Type="Volume" ZoomFactor="1.5" PanOrigin="-1.7 -28 0" InitialSliceOffset="13">
<Path>ImageVolumes\CT-MR Brain\CTBrain.nrrd</Path>
<Image ID="CT" Type="Volume" ZoomFactor="1.7" PanOrigin="-2 -28 0" InitialSliceOffset="-19.6">
<Path>ImageVolumes\CT-MR Brain\CTBrain.nrrd</Path>
<Image ID="CT" Type="Volume" ZoomFactor=".8" PanOrigin="17 -35 0" InitialSliceOffset="36">
<Path>ImageVolumes\CT-MR Brain\CTBrain.nrrd</Path>
<Image ID="T2" Type="Volume" >
<Path>ImageVolumes\CT-MR Brain\MRBrainT2.nrrd</Path>
<Image ID="T2" Type="Volume" >
<Path>ImageVolumes\CT-MR Brain\MRBrainT2.nrrd</Path>
<Image ID="T2" Type="Volume">
<Path>ImageVolumes\CT-MR Brain\MRBrainT2.nrrd</Path>
Display results
>>> Page 1: BEFORE REPOSITIONING >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>> Page 2: AFTER REPOSITIONING >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>